Friday, October 21, 2011

not my own.

Hello friends... I'm sorry it has been so long! When someone asks me "are you still blogging?" I realize I need to get with it and start writing more! I guess being in Haiti is like being anywhere else... eventually the new wears off and you adjust to your surroundings. This is a good and necessary thing, of course, if I'm going to live here. But it also hurts my blogging because I forget that most of you reading this aren't accustomed to life in Haiti and you enjoy the little details and stories that I have come to expect.

Anyway... If I had a list of "top days" in Haiti, the last 7 would probably be at the top of it. Thanks to a little skin problem on her ear, Karis has gotten to spend the whole week with me while I gave her the medicine to get it better. Many of you will remember me talking about Karis from my first trip to Haiti in March. When I met her she was only 23 days old, and I fell in love. You can click here to read about the first week I spent with her. I left Haiti in March thinking I most likely wouldn't see her again. But she's now living in our Children's Home, and I've gotten to spend the last 7 days loving the heck out of her! Here is the proof:
Church on Sunday morning!
Happy Halloween!
I have decided that whenever God gives me a baby of my own, I want him or her to be exactly like Karis. She is cuddly and sweet, she sleeps through the night [about 12 hrs a night], rides in the car like an angel, and is not at all picky about what she eats. She's just perfect! And her sweet Mommy and Daddy who are adopting her are going to be so blessed by her every single day. Hopefully it won't be much longer before they can take her to the States!

Other things that I'm sure you are wondering about....
1. The hole in my leg healed. I thought it was over, and then low and behold, another spot came up that did the exact same thing. So the best diagnosis I could get via pictures sent in emails to doctors in the States was some type of terrible staph or other infection for which I should take 2 strong antibiotics twice a day for 10 days. After 2 days, it felt like the antibiotics had killed all the infection PLUS everything else possible in my body. I felt like I had gotten hit by a train. But I'm on the road to recovery with only 2 more days of medicine, and my leg looks to be healing again [from the inside out, like the last hole did].
2. We visited KenKen's family in their tent camp yesterday. They were so excited to see us. I wish I could tell you that KenKen looked and felt better, but that isn't true. He has been losing weight [so now he's less than 7 lbs] and has been running a constant fever. His mom handed me his papers from the hospital which were written in French, but the part I could make out was the final diagnosis and medications which read: AIDS, TB, malnutrition, and fever. Medicines: Tylenol. I don't think Haitians know the term "palliative care," but that appears to be what they are doing for KenKen. Prayers for this family and us as we wait for Jesus to take him are so appreciated.
Me, Isaac, and KenKen
 3. I have bought my plane ticket and will be landing in Nashville on December 15th around 5:00! I know it will break my heart to leave Haiti, but I am so excited to see my family, John, and my friends in Lawrenceburg and Knoxville [and everywhere in between]. It's strange because it feels like I have been in Haiti my whole life, but at the same time like I just got here... and it feels like I haven't been home in forever, but at the same time like I just left.
4. God has shown me a scripture which I have been clinging to as of late. It is Jeremiah 10:23 and it reads: "LORD, I know that people’s lives are not their own; it is not for them to direct their steps." Many people want to know what I'm going to do with my life... what will you do when you get home? when will you be a real nurse? where are you going to live? what about a husband and family? how long will you work in Haiti? basically... when are you going to have a normal life like everyone else? Believe me people, I ask myself some of these questions on a daily basis. But the truth is I have no idea. And even if I gave you an answer, God would change it if He wanted to. My life is not my own... It is not for me to choose my next step. I am simply being obedient to the Spirit of God and waiting for Him to direct me. And I promise you, He is a faithful God who will not leave me hanging. He has me right where He wants me, and as long as I listen to Him and continue in obedience, I will stay where He wants me! The questions and answers don't matter... the only question is "Am I letting God direct my steps?" If the answer to this is yes, then everything else will fall into place in God's perfect time.

Prayers going up for you from Haiti today! So thankful for every single one of you and the support you show through prayers, encouraging words, and thoughts. My life is being changed DAILY and it is being facilitated by you. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Chelsey! Thank you so much for #4!! Right there with you.. :/ Lately the fact that I've felt no clear direction has been driving me slowly nuts. This morning's devotion really showed me how Jesus never walked with any stress. He was calm. He didn't fret. And we are to live as He did. So I want to be like that. It's hard though, but we can do all things through Christ, eh? I'm glad to know that you and I are in this together, though. Your words bring comfort and reminders that HE will direct our feet! We are so blessed by His faithfulness. Love u!
