1. Visit the Grand Canyon
2. Swim in a swimming hole
3. Teach a child to count 1-10
8. Finish my New Years Resolution
10. Take a 12+ hour road trip
11. Go to Chicago
12. Go to Louisiana
14. Ride the city bus
15. Surprise someone
16. Take a stray animal to the shelter
17. Sing karaoke
18. Give someone a surprise painting
20. Give someone a ride
21. Take cookies to the neighbors
22. Watch a tornado
23. Go to Disney World
24. Visit California
25. Sleep on hay in a barn
28. Light a poot on fire
29. Hold a baby tiger
30. Sew a baby blanket
31. Bottle feed a calf
33. Hike a mountain
34. Hold a chimpanzee
37. Buy a stranger's coffee
40. Read the whole Bible
43. Memorize a book of the Bible
44. Drive a stick shift
46. Swim with dolphins
47. Hold a baby bird
48. Go a day without electricity
50. Grow a flower garden
52. Ring the Salvation Army bell
54. Be on the radio
57. Wear fake eyelashes
59. Make popcorn on the stove
60. Plant a tree
61. Stay at Relay for Life all night
62. Go to Times Square for New Years
63. Go to an art museum
65. Make a piece of pottery
66. Watch a glass blower blow glass
67. Ride an elephant
68. Have a colored light bulb in my bedroom
71. See the tide come in
72. Learn some new constellations
75. Speak at a funeral
76. Donate my hair
78. Take a dance class
85. Visit the Holocaust museum in D.C.
86. Climb a water tower
87. Give a stranger my shoes or coat
88. Knit a scarf
89. Leave encouraging notes in a public place
90. Participate in "no shoes" day for Toms shoes
91. Go yardsaling
92. Ride a trolley
93. See the Northern Lights
94. See Niagra Falls
95. Sign someone's cast
96. Learn to dive
98. Go to a strawberry patch
101. Make a video and put it on YouTube
I'm going to try to post a blog whenever I check one off my list, just for my own entertainment [and maybe yours too].