Monday, October 10, 2011

a beautiful thing from dust.

When I can't remember what my last blog post was about, I realize it has been too long since I blogged. Things have been pretty chill around here in Port au Prince, praise Jesus!

Baby KenKen is still at the tent camp with his family. Last Monday we were supposed to go get the HIV results, but this is Haiti and nothing happens when it's supposed to. So we weren't able to get there on Monday, but his dad is only off work on Mondays. We definitely wanted the people at the AIDS hospital to be the ones to tell him and intervene if necessary once he knew the results, so we had to wait until this Monday [today]  to take them. So today we picked them up and headed to the hospital. Now, get ready for God to blow you away!

KenKen's dad got his results first: NEGATIVE. Then KenKen's [repeat test]: POSITIVE. At this point, we began hoping that his mother was negative too and the HIV was contracted from a blood transfusion he received in the hospital. Then his mom's results: POSITIVE. We thought that his dad would go ballistic, because our immediate conclusion was that he was not the father of the baby. But God wowed us all. The first words out of KenKen's dad's mouth were: "It's a miracle. I have been spared, by the grace of God." After a few moments of blinking in awe of his conclusion compared to ours, we stammered via a translator [AWESOME translator, I might add] about how it was indeed God's plan. And the next thing he said... "I want to accept Jesus as my Savior." Whaatttttt???!!! Did God really just use an HIV infection to bring a man to Christ?! We dropped everything we had, circled up right there in the middle of the hospital, and he repeated after me [via the awesome translator] and prayed to receive Christ. He smiled from ear to ear, we all let a few tears out, and then we told him we will bring him a Bible to his work this week so he can continue to grow in Christ. What an amazing outcome of this seemingly terrible situation.

KenKen and his Daddy
KenKen and his mom begin treatment in the morning at the AIDS hospital. They will provide complete care including counseling, family planning, free medication, nutrition plans, and a monetary stipend if necessary. We will continue to support them in any way that we can in regards to their physical and spiritual care. Continued prayers please!!

I am being reminded continually how majestic our God is.. how big His arms are and how intentional He is in the lives of every single person on this earth. I am being reminded of the desperation in this country for physical needs as well as for the presence of Jesus. I am being reminded of the desperation for the presence of Christ in my own heart that I often forget about or choose to ignore. And I am being reminded of the desperation for Jesus in America that I was often unaware of or oblivious to when I was there. Run to Him friends, and let Him fill you up! Because I promise it is the only way to be completely full.

Prayers from Haiti :) Goodnight!

[p.s. after today I am able to check another thing off my "101 in 1001" List. #9 reads: Lead someone to Christ. Praise my Jesus that happened today!]

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