It drives the average person absolutely crazy. [Don't worry, Sam knows... he's planning strategies for coping with it]. I leave them open and often I think to myself "I should shut those. They are made to be shut, and my house would look so much neater if they were shut." But I like them open.
And isn't life like that? We put things in boxes and drawers in our minds and our hearts and we close them one at a time, desperately trying to keep all things neat and tidy so as not to come unglued. But what if we didn't?
What if we left drawers open and we let things hang out and we wore our hearts on our sleeves instead of under layers? What if that is the sweet part of life.
Letting your hair down and doing what you know is right in your heart no matter how crazy it looks to the world.
Dancing in the rain cause you want to, staying up until 4 in the morning sewing or painting or reading or doing whatever makes your heart smile.
Drinking coffee at midnight or getting up early to see the sun rise.. getting a tattoo or running until you barf or rocking your babies to sleep or watching chick flicks and crying all by yourself.
What if we let our lives be messy every now and then..
and we got powdered sugar on our chins while we bake and we got grass stains on our jeans from rolling around with kiddos and we ate ice cream when we're sad or when we're happy or basically whenever we want?
What if we did the things that remind us we are breathing and living and alive. Cause life is short and as much as we might like to think it's true, we actually don't have all the time in the world.
What if we dreamed big and challenged the people around us to dream bigger.. what if we set impossible goals just for the sake of striving for something and doing something to make a difference in the world, to leave it better than it was when we got here.
Today I found myself laughing uncontrollably in the middle of Joann's Craft & Fabric store as I bent to pick up a spool of white thread that I had dropped literally for the 8th time. And again tonight, giggling and smirking at myself as I sat on my couch swapping two AA batteries from my TV remote to my Wii remote, back and forth and back and forth to control the TV volume and the show I was watching on Netflix with only two working batteries.
What if we laughed at ourselves more and worried less and in the morning we gave thanks and at bedtime we gave thanks again and we realized we are loved and life is good no matter how hard it is, and what if we left all the drawers open?
I've learned and am learning more every day... the secrets of life.
Let your hair down people.
Do the crazy thing.
Leave the drawers open.