Five thousand men on a hillside. 5000. Five thousand hungry hearts wanting more of Jesus, and five thousand empty bellies hungry for lunch.
Five loaves. Two fishes. 5 and 2. And Jesus gave thanks and broke the bread and fed 5000. Twelve baskets of leftovers. 12. The disciples collected crust from the 5000 people who shared 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and came up with 12 baskets of leftovers.
Mark 6:30-44.
Four thousand men on a hillside. 4000. Hungry hearts, empty bellies.
Seven loaves of bread. 7. And He fed them. All of them, until they were full. Seven baskets of leftovers. 7. Once all the men were satisfied, the disciples gathered 7 baskets of crust and pieces of leftover bread.
Mark 8:1-10.
We know these stories. I know these stories. The disciples lived these stories.
And yet still...
Mark 8:14-21.
The disciples got into the boat with Jesus, just days after he had performed the miracles of feeding so many with so little. They got on the boat and realized they had forgotten to pack bread. They were a few men with one loaf, and they were concerned they would be hungry and not have enough, so began to discuss this amongst themselves.
Jesus's response: "Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?"
"Twelve," they answered.
"And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?"
"Seven," they replied.
And Jesus said, "Do you not yet understand?"
How many times are we just like the disciples in this situation. They watched him, before their own eyes, take a very small amount of food and feed a very large amount of people. Twice. Yet they worried they would be hungry.
How many times has God been faithful in my life? How many times has He made promises and kept every single one, every single time. I have watched him change people and change me and work miracles, right before my own eyes. I have seen how faithful He is, and how he provides. Yet sometimes, I worry He may not provide this time, or this thing, or in this particular situation. Do I not remember? Do I not yet understand?
he is faithful. always.
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