Wednesday, August 7, 2013

all is grace

Journal Entry

May25, 2013

"I'm up early, cause shift work does that to ya. The house is quiet so I gathered my pen and paper and blanket and closed the door behind me. The morning air is chilly and my nose is red on tip from lake-breeze. I hear the water flowing by, lazy. The sun rose on the other side of the house, so I just saw the sky lighten, shade by shade, until I could see. And I knew it was the sun. And I know it is the Son who daily makes it lighter, who peels back layers of darkness one at a time, patiently teaching me to see like He sees.

Even if I cannot see Him, I know He is the source of the Light.

And I am thankful.

Two birds call loud and close. I turn slow so not to scare them. They perch on the deck's edge, chirp, hop, flit. Carefree in the morning light, no worries. And I see their round brown bellies and I know they are fed. He has provided for them. And I am reminded of His promise, to provide for me. And I remember,

and I trust.

I know that this God, He has provided every time before. I can count His ways of faithfulness and I know He has been good. And because I can remember in thanks, I can trust He will provide again, and


I know that no matter how dark and hurtful and hopeless life may ever seem, time reveals Jesus. He is there, closest in my most painful hour. And in time, I will open my eyes to see His back as He has passed by. And praise God, I know this is true. I have seen His back before, I see it now.

And all is grace.

Sweet grace.

The sky is clear blue, the water ready for boats and fishing. And I need coffee, and water on my face, and I'll be ready. Ready for another day of blessing. Open my eyes. Begging for open eyes with
Jesus lenses
that see
grace in all and
beauty in all and
Christ in and through
and covering all.

Because He has and will, always. Always. I give thanks, and I learn more to trust."

[inspiration from Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts"]

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