Sunday, August 26, 2012

the rat race

The day I got the call with my job offer, it started. The sweet lady on the other end of the phone from HR told me the details of the offer, including the hourly wages. My eyes bulged. No, it's not that much, but when you've not gotten a paycheck in over a year, any amount makes your eyes bulge. She said the amount, I hung up the phone, and in my head did quick calculations to see what kind of monthly income that would be. [The calculations I came up with ended up being severely off, just for the record... I'm not good at math in my head].

Ecstatic over my soon-to-be rise in social status due to "massive" amounts of money being deposited into my account every 2 weeks, I began to plan. I'm not married, no kids, no real responsibilities besides some bills, rent, food, gas, you know.. the usual stuff. I start figuring, and figuring, and figuring. And then, I got confused. I thought I must be doing something wrong, so I called my Mom, who usually has the answers to life questions.

I explained my dilemma in this way "Mom, I'm doing some figuring. I'm trying to figure out a budget so I don't waste money once I start getting paid. But, I'm figuring, and it seems like after I get it all worked out, I'm going to be making this much money, and spending this much money, and saving this much money. Like I'm going to be working just so that I can live and work? I'm confused. What am I doing wrong?"

And in her wise and gentle motherly way, she listened, and then replied, "Well, yep. That sounds about right. Welcome to the rest of your life." Sweet. So I spent a considerable amount of time thinking about this. I'm going to go to work. Get paid. Tithe. Start a 401K. Pay bills. Shop. Drive. Eat. Save some. Then go to work. Get paid. Tithe. Start a 401K. Pay bills. Shop. Drive. Eat. Save some. And in my mind, I'm thinking and then.... what? What comes next? What exactly is the point? I don't get it.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the first time in my life I have been faced with the opportunity to join the rat race. You know that rat race I'm talking about... most of you are running it with all your strength. And for most of you, it's probably killing you. Either your physical health is suffering, your relationships are suffering, your emotional and mental status are suffering, your spiritual life is suffering, or any combination of these. You're chasing the dollar sign, just to spend the dollars, just to chase the dollar sign again. Whats the point?

For me, I came to a conclusion pretty quickly. What is the point for me? Making Jesus famous. I will work to be a witness. I will spend money in a way that glorifies God. I will save money so I am prepared when God calls me to something that requires it. I will give money to causes that are working to spread the Gospel. I will LIVE for Christ. And as for the rat race? I'm sitting it out. I'm declining the invitation the world hands everyone as soon as it gets a chance. I'm refusing to run with everything I have in me, along side millions of other participants, chasing something we are never going to catch. Instead, I am going to put every bit of my energy and resources into making famous Someone who has already given me more than I deserve, who made me, and loves me, and treasures me, and has BIG plans for me, if I will only be obedient. And I'm not claiming it's going to be easy, but it's the choice I'm making today, the standard by which I am going to do my best to live.

So how about you? Maybe you just got the invitation to the rat race too. What will you choose? Or maybe you've been running it for years, and you are exhausted. And maybe you've caught the dollar a number of times, but I can guarantee you're still running after it because it didn't satisfy you. Guess what? Today can be the day that you quit. Quit the race. Drop out. Start running toward something worth your time, something eternal, something that will change your life.

Won't you join me in refusing the rat race, and embracing Jesus.

"... let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..."
Hebrews 12:1


  1. Chelsey I love your to commitment follow a greater purpose in life and I know as you do it you will find more enjoyment, more reward, more fulfillment and more excitement to this rat race than you give it credit. Yes, glorify God. Yes, don't make Mr $$ be your God. As you go to work, you will excite others with your passion for your profession - it's a calling to serve others through your nursing skill. As you get paid, you will find ways to enjoy life without being wasteful and at times you will find uses for Mr. Bucks to show God's love. As you tithe, you will find joy. As you fund your 401k, you will rest knowing you won't be a burden on your fellow Christians, your children nor on society in your old age. As you shop and eat, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor. As drive, you will smile at someone that cuts in front of you. And as you do it over and over again, you will say "Hey, this if kind of fun and I enjoy it every day and you WILL be a fulfilled Christian example to those around you." And when the end comes, your God will say, "Well done my good and faithful servant!"

  2. We have a treasured job, Chelsey...we serve the Living Christ every single time we go to work. OUrs is a mission field, not just to help heal but to love, accept and teach through our actions, words and spells (yes, even for you and me) of silence. It is a race, alright, and that's okay but we are serving God with every step and that's it all worthwhile. Love you, Deb
