Friday, August 24, 2012

fun in real life

My body forgot what it meant to work 12 hour shifts. For this reason, I am in the bed trying to write a blog and nearly failing to keep my eyes open at 8:45 on a Friday night. Geez... is this what real life is like? Cause this isn't really that fun....

True. THIS right this second doesn't really feel that fun. But, wanna hear some things that I've done this week that WERE pretty fun? Check it out:

1. I moved into a 1 bed room apartment thats super cute and only 5 minutes from the hospital. Since I was born, this has been my living arrangements: me+6, me+3, me+1, me+5, me+1, me+4, me+6, me+10, me+5. and now.... me. It's strange for sure, but I'm adjusting.

2. I started working on the actual floor at the hospital. I love it so far. My fellow nurses are so encouraging and excited to have me, and I think I'm going to fit in great.

3. I personally and effectively connected my own cable and internet with wireless router just from reading directions in a booklet that came in the mail. BOOM. [it only took 14 hours haha]. When I finished I sat back and admired all the wires behind my tv stand, and then watched the beautiful "online" light shine green on my internet modem and router for a while, and now I'm using it all. Hooray! [3 days with no internet or cable in an apartment alone were like torture].

4. I made my first call as a nurse to a doctor today and I think was pretty successful at coming across sweet but not intimidated... and he was polite and nice and even joked with me on the phone. I felt proud.

5. I learned that if you mix 8 oz of milk and 3 oz of mollasses together and warm it just a bit, it can be used as an enema. Then I watched a nurse give one, which made for a sticky rear end. And then in about 10 minutes, made for a sticky bed and floor and everything else in between. Fun times, I tell ya. Now I know it works at least!

6. I had dinner with a sweet friend from Knoxville who is a teacher here now, and I also hung out with friends from high school and watched Honey Boo Boo [which I don't exactly like but it's like it's so bad I can't stop watching... kind of like watching a dog run across the road even though you know he's probably going to get flattened by a car].

7. I got to skype with my sweet friend Cheyenne in Haiti last night, and oh my word I got to see my baby girl Karis WALK! It was all I could do not to cry my eyes out when Cheyenne took her across the room and she walked right to the computer screen.. Praise the Lord for Cheyenne and for his beautiful Hands that heal and protect the babies when I can't! It made my entire month for sure.

And I think that might be about it. Number 7 though reminded me of another really cool thing that happened this week. I'll make it brief, promise. It's worth your time, promise. On Monday I did my first day at the hospital. My preceptor didn't work Monday so I was with another girl who was actually working her last day the next day. We had never met before and I didn't know her at all. During some down time [which we actually had], she started asking about Haiti and what I did there. I got to share with her a little about my time there, which is always fun for me. She said "Oh wow, thats awesome. One of my first cousin's best friends is actually adopting a baby from there." I said "Thats awesome! Those adoptions can be brutal though... they take forever!" She said "Yea I know they have been trying to bring this baby girl home forever. They actually have another little girl from a different country but it didn't take as long to bring her home I don't think. I can't remember what country she's from." I said "Oh okay.. well, I hope it's soon for them." She said "Yea me too... there other little girl is so cute... I think her name is.... umm... umm.... Kia! She's adorable!" [At this point my mouth dropped open]. I said "Girl. Is the baby they are adopting from Haiti's name Karis?" [At this point her mouth dropped open]. She said "Girl. Yes! How did you know that?!!"

A quick explanation of the fact that I basically love Karis with my whole heart and that she's 1 of 20 kids at our orphanage which is 1 of thosands of orphanages in the country and how huge of a God thing it was that we both knew the same baby girl followed. I was in awe of the situation for like 30 minutes afterwards... totally sweet how God continues to confirm I'm in the right place. Praise Him!

Join me in praying for Haiti and the rest of the Caribean tonight as Tropical Storm Isaac makes his appearance. May he come quickly and gently and then be on his way. If anything fun has happened to you this week, I would love nothing more than to hear about it :)


  1. tonight I attended and spoke to a womens night out church group in Pulaski, tn. There were several ladies there from Lawrenceburg. It was a fundraiser for Sarah and Matt and it went well!

    1. Oh Mrs Jackie thats awesome! You might have met people I know :) Thanks for sharing!
