Thursday, July 12, 2012

chelsey lately.

"You learn something new every day" - Dad

I've been hearing that phrase come out of my Daddy's mouth since I can remember. Sometimes I doubt it's validity, and sometimes I agree whole-heartedly. Today I drove from Knoxville to Murfreesboro [3 hours] and then Murfreesboro to Lawrenceburg [2 hrs], so needless to say I had much time to reflect on my recent Knoxville extravaganza. So I want to share with you... 

5 new things I've learned lately:

1. When you go on a trip away from home, make sure you have enough toothpaste. If you don't, you may be forced to resort to brushing your teeth with foaming handsoap [which, I might add, leaves your teeth feelings squeaky clean, literally, although you must fight the gag reflex the entire time you brush, and spit, and then some time after].

2. When you go to carry an open toiletries carrier to your car, it is essential you ensure your razor is blade-side-down in the holder. Or else it is essential you pay extra attention to where you're right hand knuckles are. I took neither of these precautions, and ended up with an extremely painful slice. Thanks.

3. When you get hurt by someone you really care about [which is inevitable], it does you absolutely no good to put up a wall and become resentful, vowing to yourself that you won't let that happen again. We were made to love! We cannot be complete any other way. It is, however, supposedly possible to guard your heart with vigilance and love with your entire heart simultaneously. I'm still working out the kinks...

4. When you are a bridesmaid in a wedding, drink plenty of water and avoid at all cost locking your knees during the lighting of the unity candle. I think you can see where this is going.... we attended a beautiful wedding this past Sunday that was absolutely perfect, except the part where one of the bridesmaids passed out cold in the middle of it. Poor girl. It was fabulous nonetheless and I couldn't be happier for the Riley's :)

5. When you wear a shirt with a Bible verse on it to the Pilot at 7:30 in the morning to get gas, the cashier MIGHT read the verse out loud, give you the crazy eye, scribble something that reads "RFID & EBT" on the bottom of your receipt, then pass it to you and in a low voice say "What if I told you theres going to be an event soon from Revelation? Go home and Google this." Yes, this actually happened.

That concludes the life lessons I've been introduced to lately. In other news...

I completed #99 on my "101 in 1001" List which reads: Eat frog legs. Today for lunch at Toot's in Murfreesboro, I ordered and ate them. They weren't bad... I think the best description I can give is a very tender, clean tasting chicken liver. It was a little daring, but YOLO right? [not exactly a fan of this new catch phrase that is plaguing society currently, but thought I'd throw it in anyway].
My heart is aching daily and my dreams and being filled nightly with Karis. I miss her more than I ever thought possible, and am praying constantly that I will get to see her again soon. She is getting so big, and I'm missing it! Here's a current picture from Haiti:

Praying that today, no matter how dark the clouds are or how bright the sun is, you become acutely aware of God's overwhelming presence and magnificent love for us. Buckets of blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chelsey,
    I always enjoy reading your blogs and today was no exception. Karis is adorable! I'm sure you miss her like crazy. Kudos to you for giving the "Kermit" legs a try. Personally, I don't care to go there! LOL We're planning to visit L'burg this month for a few days. Corbett is soooo excited! We really hope you'll be around to enjoy the fun. Love and Miss You Bunches! Cathy
