Thursday, December 29, 2011

quoting Dorothy.

"There's no place like home... there's no place like home... there's no place like home!"

I've never really been a fan of the Wizard of Oz [I think mostly because the flying monkeys used to make my siblings cry], but Dorothy sure hit the nail on the head when she said this 3 times while clicking those bright red slippers! My time back here in America so far has been nothing short of absolutely priceless. Being away really made me appreciate things that I took for granted before, and it gave me a new perspective on ordinary life here. Of course I miss Haiti and all the kids and my English students and my family there, but I am beyond thankful for this time at home.

Just for fun, I wanted to catch you up and give you the highlights of my life in America thus far:

--I spent 12 days sitting around the house playing tons of games, baking, laughing, talking, and living with my entire family [which includes my mom, dad, 4 sisters, 2 brothers (well, 1 is a brother-in-law, but same difference), 4 significant others that belong to me and my other 3 siblings who aren't married yet, 2 dogs, 5 cats, 5 turtles, and 1 frog]. I cannot explain how much I treasure time just being with these people who I love so much.
Cheney baking tons of cookies!
--I waited in line at Walmart with John [who was returning an item that cost $1.98, btw], and the man in front of us was returning 44 cups of yogurt. And we died laughing.

--I was blessed beyond measure to be able to buy Christmas presents for a family in Lawrenceburg who didn't have the means to provide for their children for Christmas. It was by far one of the most fun things I've gotten to do in a while. Their names were Hunter, Brandon, and Harlee. Pray for them :)

--We went to our first hockey game and saw the Nashville Predators win a really exciting game!

--I got rid of hand-foot-mouth disease, only to be followed by an abscess of infection in my outer ear! Back on more antibiotics... story of my life haha. Thanking the Lord for amazing doctor friends to treat me, awesome caretakers to doctor it for me at home because it's in a place I can't see, and praying for complete healing before I leave the country again!

--I was reintroduced to Christian rap music [such as Lecrae, Flame, and Shai Linne] and definitely rocked out the entire 4 hour drive to Knoxville.

--I walked through the doors of Calvary for Wednesday night Cafe and had to hold back tears as kids who actually remembered me ran and hugged my waist, babies who were newborns when I left were placed in my arms, ladies hugged my neck, and my Calvary family made me feel more at home than ever before.

I am such a blessed girl.. my God is so sweet to me. I can't wait to see what the rest of this time before I return to Haiti will hold for me. If anyone is wondering, I will be in Knoxville from now until January 2nd, in Atlanta for the Passion Conference January 2-5th, Knoxville 5-13th, Lawrenceburg 13-21st, Clarksville for the weekend, then back to Lawrencburg for a couple more days, then flying out on January 24th! It is going quickly, but I am savoring every moment. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! Love you!


  1. Hey Chelsey,
    I would love for you to come and talk to our youth group while you are in Clarksville, if that might be possible. We meet on Sunday nights from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. I have shared some of the things you are doing in Haiti and would love for them to see you in person and so they can possibly be part of your ministry too! I have truly enjoyed experiencing life with you through your blogs. Some of them would love that too! Just email me and let me know if that might be possible!
    Be God's,

  2. Chelsey,
    I know you already have accomodations for your "Passion" trip, but wanted to remind you that you're always welcome to stay with us.
    Love you bunches,
