Saturday, October 1, 2011

family affair

Haiti is funny in that time passes fast and slow at the same time. I've never experienced that before I got here. Today I found myself looking at the calendar [yes, I made a community calendar as planned] and thinking, "It's already October??!!" And then, no kidding, 10 minutes later I looked at the same calendar and thought, "It's just October??!!" It's strange, really. But what about this place isn't just a tad bit off...haha.

This week I have been so blessed to meet and become friends with 2 and a half couples who are looking into adoptions [Shannon, next time bring your husband too!]. One couple, Jon & Glori, have already begun their adoption process. They are currently a family of 5 [with 3 girls] and will soon become a family of 7 [with 3 girls and 2 boys!] They are adopting twins, James & John, who are the two most hilarious and personable boys I've ever met.
Jon, Glori, James, & John
Well, it just so happens that James & John's mom [who is 16 and living in a tent camp with her mom] has another son, Jonathan. He is around a year old, and just as cute and fat as he wants to be! He quickly stole the hearts of the second couple, Chad & Shannon [who are currently a family of 5 with 3 girls also]. Jonathan's mother was overjoyed to find a family for Jonathan who will be living in the same home town and is friends with the family adopting James & John. But Jonathan's dad has not completely agreed yet, although it is looking like he may. Please pray for his dad to make the right decision for his baby, whatever that decision may be. Also pray for patience and strength for Chad & Shannon as they await the decision of his father.
Chad, Shannon, and Jonathan
When we went to the tent camp for Chad & Shannon to meet Jonathan, we also saw James & John's aunt, Denisea, who is 6 years old [yes, I said aunt]. We had seen her there before and every time we go she begs Wilna to let her leave with us. Her mother has agreed that it would be best for her to live at the Children's Home and be put up for adoption. After a few tears and a tight grip on Wilna, she agreed to let her come home with us for the weekend [to see how she would do away from her family]. She literally sprinted through the tent camp [no shoes and pants halfway down her butt] to change clothes and get her shoes so she could leave. I'm telling you, this little girl lights up a room like I have never seen before. She is street smart though, and has learned the ways of survival in a tent camp. It will take some time before she is adjusted to the structure of the Children's Home.
Denisea before we brought her home
She LOVED the bathtub [they bathe in the ditch with rainwater in the tent camps] and after some serious grease, shea butter, combing, and braiding, this is how her hair looked:
I don't wanna brag, but I did this, and it was my 1st attempt at braiding Haitian hair. :)
 And this is what she looked like today:
looks like a different kid!
Anyway... these 4 kids have been staying with us all weekend, so it has been a family affair! So much fun! After this week, I can honestly say that happiest thing I have been a part of is seeing a family reunited or united for the first time. Words can't describe how I have been blessed by watching these 2 families love on and enjoy the presence of their children. Prayers as they leave tomorrow are so needed.

For those of you wondering about baby KenKen, he is back at the tent camp with his parents. They were a little nervous about taking him back, but we explained that it is best for him to be with them [without having to explain that he is dying, yet]. We will take them all 3 on Monday to get the results from the HIV test, and then we will go from there. He is still eating and the mom says he's doing fine! Thank you for your prayers.

Last thing, I wanted to share with you some powerful verses that I read tonight. I challenge you to read these verses to yourself, and then wherever you are, go back and declare them out loud in a clear, strong, and sure voice. They are life changing!
Jeremiah 10:10-13
10 But the LORD is the true God;
   he is the living God, the eternal King.
When he is angry, the earth trembles;
   the nations cannot endure his wrath.

11 “Tell them this: ‘These gods, who did not 
    make the heavens and the earth, 
    will perish from the earth and from under the heavens.’”
 12 But God made the earth by his power;
   he founded the world by his wisdom
   and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.
13 When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar;
   he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth.
He sends lightning with the rain
   and brings out the wind from his storehouses. 

These are promises people! Embrace them and know how mighty our God is! Until next time.... Love you!

1 comment:

  1. I am loving all of this blogging that you keep posting! It helps us to stay plugged in to all of the happenings with our friends in Haiti. Great job with the braiding!
