Thursday, August 4, 2011

desires of your heart.

The wedding celebration has commenced! We are down to about 27 hours until my sister and best friend becomes Mrs. Hunter Mansfield. You can view the excitement below:
[this was at the bachelorette party we had last night!]
Since I got home on Sunday night, we have been going nonstop! So much bonding, so much fun... only a tad of stress... the perfect combination to getting things done haha. Weddings are so special, but they are even more exciting when the people getting married are people that you truly love! Having 3 sisters and 1 brother, I suppose we will get to experience this several times [hopefully haha] but this is the first one so it's super fun. And having 4 girls in one family who are all in the wedding party is even more fun than you can imagine... so many pictures and memories, laughing and talking... such a blessing!

This week has been full of wedding prep.. such as: getting our nails done, getting hair cuts, last minute shopping, last minute tanning [except me because nursing school turned me against tanning beds haha], bachelorette celebration, bridal luncheons, wearing heels around the house to break them in, etc. It's been a fun time, believe me. Below are some pictures of the last 72 hrs:
Sisters for the Bachelorette Party: Swanky's for Mexican and Sips N Strokes to paint in Franklin!
Our spaces at Sips N Strokes!
Group picture after our paint lessons!
I highly recommend Sips N Strokes for a chill Bachelorette Party that includes participants who are underage or don't drink! It's super relaxing and so much fun. Last night when I laid down, I opened my Bible to spend some time with Jesus before I slept. When things get so crazy and we are going constantly, sometimes I get to the end of the day and feel like I haven't had enough time to just sit and BE with my Savior. Yesterday was one of those days, so I took a little bit to just be still [Psalm 46:10].

I was drawn to a line of scripture that a sweet friend shared with me one night via text. It's Luke 1:45 and it reads: Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her! I don't know what the desires of your heart are today sweet friends, but I can assure you that if your ultimate desire is to know and glorify our Heavenly Father, then whatever desires you have the Lord has put there, and He will fulfill them! There are so many ladies who long for love, a husband, kids, a family. So many Godly men who long for the same things. Maybe you are in America and wanting to be somewhere else [like Haiti], or maybe you are in another country and longing to be in the United States. Maybe you long to be something that you feel like you will never get to. Maybe you want to be someone you feel like you will never be. I don't know what it is, but I can assure you that Our God has not forgotten you. And Blessed are you who believe that He will fulfill those promises!! Be still, wait, and know that Jesus hears you, and His timing is PERFECT [Exodus 2:11].

Until next time! Love & Prayers people! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your posts!! I was feeling more distant from Christ while on vacay, missing the ability to be alone with Him so much. You reminded me it is as simple as grabbing the Bible and reading! I'm such a goober. Praying for you as your departure to Haiti is nearing. :)
