Sunday, August 7, 2011

#7 and infintely more.

#7 on my "101 in 1001" List reads: Be in a wedding. And now, as most of you probably know, I can check this one off! I was the Maid of Honor for my sister, best friend, and other half who is now officially married! I couldn't be more happy for her and her new husband, who are honeymooning it up in the Dominican Republic as of today! The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was flawless... if you know my family you won't be surprised to hear it was pretty much the party of the year haha. By the time I made it home, my feet were solid black and killing me [from dancing barefoot for hours], my hair and makeup looked a HOT mess [from sweating so much], and my beautiful dress had stains all down the front [from where I dropped a chocolate covered strawberry]. Obviously, all of this indicates that it was an exceptional and memorable night. When it was all said and done, me and my other 2 sisters decided that if/when we get married we have some pretty serious standards to measure up to if we are going to have a wedding like Sis's :). Honestly, if anyone has a prefect wedding, I'm glad it was my Sis! Below is some documentation from the night:
These are my siblings and my best friends.
Hunter and Sis
so precious!
Throwing the bouquet
And now, a video of the departure from the reception! It's relatively short, and so sweet... you'll wanna see it, I'm certain.
Now, for an update on my trip to Haiti! [If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click here.] In approximately 36 hrs I will be boarding a plane in Nashville that will take me to Miami, then another plane that will take me to Port au Prince. I could not be more excited! This morning I got the chance to share what the Lord is doing in my life with some sweet people at my Sis's husbands parents [take a minute to figure that out] Sunday school class. It was such a blessing!

Something that I shared with them this morning is Ephesians 3:20 which begins "To Him who can do infinitely more than you could ask or imagine.." This is what The King has done for my trip to Haiti. Many of you know that I had to raise about $3500 in order to pay for this trip. I sent out about 30 letters to people who I thought would give me money. Just when I thought I would contribute to making this trip happen, God reminded me that this is HIS plan, not mine. He has provided for me more money than I ever thought I could possibly get, and He has chosen to use people that I would have never suspected. The following is a breakdown in percentage form of the money I have recieved:
--> People who got a letter: 12%
--> People I have never met: 18%
--> College age people: 27% [These are supposedly the poorest people in our country haha]
--> People that I know but that I didn't send a letter to: 44%
Can you believe that? Go back and read them again. Only 12% came from all the people that I thought would supply the entire portion. God is so amazing... He can truly do more than we can think, ask, or imagine. In a huge way God has used several groups of people and I cannot express how blessed I have been by the outpouring of support from the following:

Calvary Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN
New Providence United Methodist Women's Group, Clarksville, TN
Madison Street United Methodist Women's Group, Clarksville, TN
New Prospect United Methodist Women's Group, Lawrenceburg, TN
First Baptist Church, Lawrenceburg, TN
College of Nursing, University of Tennessee at Knoxville

The above organizations and groups have truly shown me Christ-like love and support, and I am so grateful for you! Thank you again to anybody and everybody who has sent any financial, material, or prayerful support! The work that Christ is going to do through me in Haiti is literally fueled by your love, encouragement, and support. I'm so excited to get there and tell you all how God is working in that country! Not much longer people... get excited!! :)

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