Sunday, June 19, 2011

obedience: cost & reward

This past weekend I spent in the mountains with my mom's family who I only get to see once a year [unless of course there is a wedding, then 3 times]. We spent 3 days fishing, swimming, eating, catching up, laughing, and acting totally crazy. If I'm not back from Haiti by the time we do Christmas with them, it is one of the things I will miss.

As you probably know, my first trip to Haiti this past March was absolutely life changing. You can see it in detail here, and you can read the blog about it if you like as well. Since I have gotten back to the States, I have been praying continuously that the Lord would send me back. I thought that when He finally did, nothing else would matter and I would be perfectly content because I was going back to what feels like home to me. However, I have found that this isn't exactly the case!

I realize now that answering the Lord as He calls me to Haiti is classified as "obedience". This is something that does not come naturally to us as humans... to be obedient to someone other than ourselves. It's easy to be obedient when the Lord's Will for you is the same as your desires. But I have learned lately that that is not true obedience.... that true obedience is emptying yourself of every desire of your own heart and letting the Lord's desires become yours. And it is hard. But it is worth it.

While I am gone to Haiti I will miss many things. I will miss my sister Sam's 16th birthday, the first 5 months of my sister Kylie's married life, my mom and dad's birthdays, Thanksgiving. I won't be starting a nursing career like most of my friends from school, like we have been talking about for over 2 years now. I won't be getting married and starting a family like many of my friends are doing. I have begun to realize that going to Haiti means not going a lot of places, and doing mission work in Haiti means not doing a lot of other things. And it is hard. It is a sacrifice. And thats what it should be like!

Let me tell you really quickly about the pure kindness of the Lord that He has poured out on me since I decided to be obedient to His Call. Everything is still lined up in order for me to go to Haiti in on August 9th. I have begun receiving some financial support in the mail, and I have never felt more blessed in my life than by the money that has been given to me. People who I didn't think would even care what I am doing, people who have never even met me, have sent money and encouraging notes to me this past week. And then I received the most generous donation from some sweet sweet people [you know who you are] that will cover almost 1/3rd of my entire trip! It is so amazing to see giving hearts who are willing to sacrifice for the furthering of the Gospel and the benefit of people they have never even met. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far and who is praying for me and encouraging me... you have no idea the impact you are making!

A final blessing that I want to share with you tonight came through my sweet friend Sara who moved to Haiti 5 days ago. She and I will work side by side when I get there, and I could not think of anyone I would rather serve with. Sara updates her blog frequently and it so warms my heart to hear the work that the Lord is already using her for in Haiti! She told me tonight that she met Karis on Wednesday... she said she held her and kissed her and told her that Chelsey loves her. This literally makes me cry my eyes out... I miss them both so much! But how sweet the Lord is to shower His love on me and remind me that obedience and trust in Him brings forth blessings greater than we can think or imagine!

I love you all and can't wait to share more stories as my journey grows nearer! For now, you can click here to read the story of the latest orphanage that I will be helping out at while I'm there. This is the video of the children singing praises to Jesus for providing a new house for them! It will make your heart smile, for sure. If you only have a few seconds, 3:20 starts some fun songs! Blessings to all of you, and thank you again for the encouragement and support so far!!


  1. We will miss you while you are gone, but God wouldn't lead you back to Haiti if it wasn't what was meant to be. You will change more lives there than most people will in their entire life. (including me). I'm honored to say your my big sister and maid of honor!! I definitely will miss you more than anything, but thank God every day for you and your sacrifice :) I love you!

  2. You continually amaze me sweet one. You are so in touch with your heart and your God. I cannot imagine leaving everyone you love for this long and giving up the things so familiar to you to go to Haiti, but I know you will help so many. I will miss you so much and pray for you each day and anxiously await your return. I love you.
