Saturday, June 25, 2011

the holding place

You know how when you think about something for so long that you don't even realize that other people may have no idea what you're talking about? Maybe its just me. Anyway.. I have decided that people might be interested to know details about what my possible opportunities to serve in Haiti are. So, tonight will be the first of several posts regarding specific things that I have the chance to be involved with once I arrive in Paradise! The sweet people that I will be staying with there have told me I can decide after I'm there for a while how I want to spend my time, or maybe travel around and do a little time at each location. Either way, Jesus will be made famous!

One of the places that I will be able to love on some beautiful children is the Children's Home. It is located a few minutes from the guest house where I will be sleeping as far as I know. When I was there in March, we cleaned the house so that the children could finally come. It is meant to be a holding place for children in transition who are going to be adopted but are waiting on the paperwork and such. The Home is the top floor of a two story house type thing with a Haitian woman who was raised in America living on the first floor. From what I understand, she wanted to rent it to Greg and Michelle for children to live in so she can play with the kids sometimes. It is such a beautiful place.. when we were cleaning and getting it ready for the kids one of our translators looked around and said, "Man, whatever kids get to come here have got it really good."

Below are some pictures of the Children's Home:
outside of the Children's Home
Boys room! 6 boys live here
Girls room! 6 girls live here.
Babies room! 6 babies sleep here.

 Each room has space for a "mom" to sleep, so there are 3 Haitian women who care for and look after the children. I think while I am there I may be able to get each women a week of vacation while I take their place in each room. From what I hear, the children here are learning some English and each day is totally focused on God. What a wonderful environment compared to what some of these children have already lived through in their short lives! I can't wait to wrap them up in tight hugs and kiss their sweet faces!!
Kessy (one of our translators and one of my good friends!!) and Bethsaida (one of the girls at the home)

I was so blessed to meet Mathieu while I was in Haiti in March! He is one of the sweetest, most affectionate, most curious little boys that I've ever met. He is 4 years old, and has been through more in his short 4 years than most of us will ever have to endure. Jesus has provided for him a brand new mommy and daddy who he will get to come back to Tennessee with hopefully in a few short months. You can read the story of their adoption here. It is truly worth the read. 

I can't wait to be at the Children's Home and love on these sweet babies. And I can't wait to show you more pictures and tell you the funny and heart wrenching stories that await me there! Thank you again to all of you who have sent money and prayers my way... the Lord is using you all daily to reassure me and reaffirm that this is what He wants for my life right now! Blessings!

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