Monday, September 17, 2012

daily blessings

On a daily basis I think of multiple things that I'd like to blog about.. but usually by the time I get to sit down in front of the computer I forget what they all are. Tonight I just want to brag on Jesus a bit and tell you about a few precious things that have been my blessings lately.

1. I brought my kitty, Delilah, here to live with me again! She's loving it, and I am not nearly as lonely with her around. Plus she's super self sufficient and really enjoys her "me time", so she doesn't mind at all when I'm at work for 13+ hours.
2. On a day off last week I got to spend quality time with my sweet friend Ada who I went to school and church with in Knoxville. Once again, we live in the same town [praise the Lord!]. We went to a pottery painting place and I painted this little jewel to kick off the fall season:
3. After not having seen anyone I lived with in Haiti for about 6 months, I got a surprise call and breakfast date with two of my favorite girls, Sarah and Willow!
4. I have been going to a small group of "young professionals" at New Vision Baptist Church where I've been warmly embraced by people who love the Lord and I am more than excited to get to know them better while we study this book on apologetics:
5. Tonight I got to join in online for the Live Link for Passion 2013. If you're not familiar with the Passion Movement, please please please click here and check it out. It's absolutely mind blowing what God is doing through this generation of believers!
6. I got a very thoughtful package in the mail today from one of my sisters [Cheney] with a happy birthday note [no, it's not my birthday. thats just how she rolls] and a stack of delicious chocolate chip cookies!

 7.. My patients this week at the hospital were extraordinarily precious. I was privileged to get to care for a very sick individual who is on hospice care and who had been so sick the doctors wrote an order for the nurse to pronounce at the bedside if she passed away. During my second shift with the patient, I got to witness a remarkable comeback...  this individual went from no appetite to drinking 3 Ensures plus a meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner, a bi-pap machine 24-7 to a nasal cannula for my whole shift, not really knowing what was going on to throwing a fit over her iron pill that had been discontinued a few days prior, and telling me the same stories every time I went in the room to literally cheering "C-H-E-L-S-E-Y CHELSEY! YAY, CHELSEY!!" every time she saw my face. It was priceless. I was reminded this week that in serving others and caring for them and their families in the most desperate, helpless, and scary times, I am truly walking on holy ground. [more to come on that at a later day]

And finally, the things to come: Titan's game with my Daddy and brother and KaLee on Sunday [I don't really care if we are any good or not... just happy to see some of the fam!]. Going home next week for the county fair, which is a guaranteed good time. Starting to decorate my apartment with crafty cheap things for Halloween and Fall. Moving on up the orientation ladder and getting 4 patients this coming week [pray for me.. 3 almost killed me haha]. And of course, just the everyday life and little blessings that show me in a HUGE way how much God loves me.

I was unlovely, and He called me lovely. I was unworthy, and He called me worthy. I had no place in the world, and now I have a place in the arms of the One who created the universe. What more could I possibly want?

Goodnight :)

1 comment:

  1. Chels, sounds like your life is on a wonderful track and you are making the most of every single moment. Of course, this is nothing less than I would expect from you. You will touch so many lives as a nurse with your kind smile and loving ways. You do this is a way that is so seemingly effortless. I know they can see how good God is through your happiness. I am glad Delilah is back home with her mama. She looks so relaxed and happy. (No more hiding out about the kitchen cabinets for her.)I will talk to you soon.Love you and think of you often. Debi
