Friday, September 7, 2012

panic and provision

Well, here I am, moving forward again into a huge life change after standing at a crossroad for what seemed like forever! Don't worry... It's not quite as dramatic as the last life change that took me to a third world country for the better part of a year, but it's new and exciting nonetheless.

Today was my very first day as a Registered Nurse at Middle Tn Medical Center in Murfreesboro! I couldn't be more blessed, and God's fingerprints are literally all over this. His provision and faithfulness are overwhelming to say the least. After interviewing on June 22 and being promised a call 3 weeks later, my patience was wearing thin when 5 weeks later I had heard nothing. I finally decided to call the manager in hopes that she was looking for eagerness? No answer. I had basically counted it as a loss when she called 2 days later and made the offer for a full time position. I almost peed my pants.

I frantically began the search for an apartment. I googled and searched (well, mom and Cheney did) and formed a list of apartments to call and check out. I had to go to Murfreesboro on Aug. 9 to renew my CPR certification, so I planned to go apartment shopping then. In the mean time, I found a vehicle. As you know, I've been looking with no luck for a new ride. Just so happened a girl I've known my whole life was selling her 2005 Nissan Pathfinder, which was the vehicle at the top of my wish list. it has a low mileage and a just-right price, so: poof! It's mine! Then I had to wait for the title to come in so I could get tags and insurance. Waiting, waiting....

The 9th rolled around and the title still wasn't in. I took my trusty cavallier to my CPR class, then toured or called at least 12 apartment complexes. The very first one I looked at was by far my favorite.. Beautiful, the least expensive rent, my kitty could come, and only 5 minutes from the hospital. One problem: can't move in until September 21. September 21?! That means bumming off couches and house hopping so as not to wear out my welcome anywhere for 6 more weeks. After looking and calling everywhere else possible, I decided it was the best choice anyway. I went back to the office to turn in my application, and the girl who took it from me had beautiful milk chocolate skin and big brown eyes... And then, she introduced herself as Karis. I could do nothing but smile.

Got home, the title for my car came! I could go the next day to get tags and such. And then my keys were no where to be found (I have only 1 key to the ignition). After searching everywhere for a couple days to no avail, we began making calls. It was going to have to be towed 45 min away and cost about $300 to get a new key and clicker made. Ughhhhh. And then, the last place we possibly thought it could be (deep in moms car... She had had the keys last) there the sweet things sat. So Friday I got tags and insurance and now I'm riding in my new ride! So thankful!

The apartment complex called the next day and said I was approved and I could come sign my lease. I did so the next morning, and on my way there the office called back and left a voicemail saying "we thought we remembered you said you wanted to move in as soon as possible.. Turns out someone just decided to go to a 2 bedroom instead of 1, and they were moving in next week. So if you want to move in next weekend you can." It was all I could do not to hug the girl when I got there and signed my papers. So, guess I'm moving this Saturday!

Oh, and one more hangup... On Friday afternoon the lady from HR at the hospital called and said they were having trouble verifying my previous employer because my reference was out of the office until Monday. I had 2 hours to fax a w2 form proving employment or I would be delayed in starting to work until the end of August. Geeezzzz.. I almost had a panic attack until I remembered my mom is like freaking awesome and she knew exactly where my tax stuff was. Faxed it in, problem solved. I'm now employed, owner of a new-to-me vehicle, and moving in to my own apartment in a new city in 5 days. Life, friends, is crazy.

I have recently been made painfully aware of a gap in my faith. When things go my way, I can praise God. When things don't go my way and I get a firm, harsh, and heartbreaking resolution to some situation, I cry, but I can still praise God and know He is working. I'm learning that it's the not-yet-resolved things that I have trouble trusting God with. It's when the outcome is neither good nor bad, just uncertain that I fret. It's like when the threads of life are tied into neat knots of happy or pain, I'm fine. But if the threads of life are left untied, I nearly come unglued. It's posts like these though that remind me that my God is faithful. That He goes before me. That wherever I find myself, He has been here already! That I am His daughter and He knows me. That He will never leave me or forsake me. Several knots have been tied in my life the last few weeks, but I assure you there are huge strings still hanging, waiting, waiting. I'm embracing them today, and trusting Christ is growing me while I wait. What are you doing with your frayed edges today?


  1. We are SO blessed to serve such a faithful heavenly father. It was so encouraging to hear your story and to remember that the Lord is always with us and has a plan even if we're just....waiting :). Love you girl and I love to see Jesus shining through you. I will be praying for you on this new adventure!!

    1. Thank you so much for the reminder that I'm not the only one waiting :) praying for you too! Love you!

  2. This is just what I needed to read! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm going through the same uncertainty and nothing seems to be working out. This was the little pick me up that I needed. You are such an inspiring sister in Christ, I will definitely be praying for you!!

    1. Chris--thank you so much for the encouragement! Praying God will tie some ends for you soon :)
