Wednesday, June 13, 2012

conquering the list

Since my last blog post was a little depressing and pretty much full of my thoughts and emotions that come out around 2 am when I'm in bed alone and can't sleep... which, lets be honest, are never exactly accurate, I thought I'd do a post today to update my "101 in 1001" List. I know... did I completely forget about it or what? Not really, but kinda. The point is, I'm back at it. So, check it out yo.

#5: Learn a significant amount of another language. 
If I had thought this out, I would have clearly defined "significant." But, since I didn't, I guess it's up to me to decide what significant is. [as if it wasn't up to me in the first place? haha] I think that I have completed this goal, the language most obviously being Creole. Everyone wants to know if I learned it... and I am by no means fluent, but I picked up a bit here and there. I had some fabulous teachers. This goal is a little impossible to take a picture of, so, let me prove it this way:
Bonswa zanmi mwen! Mwen vle di ou m kapab pale creole paske profesier mwen te apran mwen sa. Yo apran mwen chak jour! ak zanmi mwen rele Kessy... li pran swen mwen chak jou! mwen manke Lani ak Naomi ak Clarianna anpil, et mwen vle Karis vini la kounya! Tanpri tanpri tanpri. M'ale. Mwen renmen ou anpil et Jezi renmen ou. Bon Nuit.

#27: Play in a sprinkler.
Totally conquered. My mom babysits, and for an "end of the year" party we had an outside splash party. My personal favorite was the water balloon fight at the end, but before that my brother rigged the water hose into sprinkler fashion, and I demonstrated to all the kids how to properly enjoy a sprinkler on a hot summer day! And it was a blast.
The party!
#69: Sew a skirt.
I forgot to mention in my last post that with all this unexpected free time I've recently stumbled upon, I've learned how to sew! My fabulous boy picked up a sewing machine from a girl off Craigs List for me while I was still in Haiti, and once I got settled I embraced it. And, I sewed a skirt, or 2!
Fourth of July skirt for me!
Twirly Skirt size 2T [for non-existant child- if you want it, let me know haha]
#73: Teach someone English. 
You all know by now that I did this in Haiti, but I didn't remember it was on my list! These are 2 of my favorite pictures with my class of beautiful ladies that I seriously miss every single day. 
#74: Keep a big secret.
I'm doing this right now! Sorry... thats about all I can tell you or I wouldn't be doing it anymore. Let me clarify though, so you don't have your hopes up. It has nothing to do with an engagement or a baby, for me or for anyone else. Darn, I know haha. 

I think thats pretty much it at this point. There are several more in the making... particularly #13, #30, #40, #43, #49, #53, and #79. I'll keep you posted, don't worry.

Oh, and one more thing. When I'm on day 3 of the 3 day cycle, this song snaps me back to reality and reminds me how faithful my Father is, and my faith is renewed. Whatever your battle is today, listen and be comforted:


  1. You can come visit me in Louisiana and take that one off this list :) ~~ Kami

  2. You're rocking your list!
    PS, my blog link has changed so you may want to change it on your blogroll.
