Wednesday, December 14, 2011

time for everything

"  There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens..."   Ecclesiastes 3:1

Tomorrow morning at 10:30 AM it will be my time to leave Haiti for now. At 12:30 it will be my time to land in Miami. At 3:05 it will be my time to leave Miami. At 4:25 it will be my time to land in Nashville. And then hopefully around 6:30 it will be my time to walk through my front door for the first time in 4 1/2 months.

On January 24th it will be my time to return to Haiti for a while. It will be my time to leave my family again and leave John again and leave my comfort zone again.

There is a time for EVERYTHING. And because I am a Daughter of the King, my time line is specifically and carefully drawn out by the Father who created the universe. How can I worry or fret or be nervous or be anxious when the God who made the world and uses the Earth as His footstool is the one calling the shots and directing my days?

My last few days here have been bittersweet. I kept thinking to myself "goodbyes are hard." And they are. But this time, it isn't goodbye for me. I can confidently hug the necks of all my Haitian friends and say "I'll see you in January!" I can confidently kiss the kids at the Children's Home on the faces and tell them "M'ap vini an Janvier!" These farewells were by no means easy, but they weren't as hard as indefinite goodbye's. I know that God isn't finished with me in Haiti, so I will be back.

Until then, I am so beyond excited to be home tomorrow. I have learned so much in Haiti this past little bit... and one of the biggest things I've learned is how much of a sacrifice it is for me to apart from my family and friends. It has been harder than I thought possible. I am so thankful for a break in this separation, although it means separation from my family and friends in Haiti for now. Guess I can't have my cake and eat it too, right?

I am constantly being reminded that there is a time for everything, except there is never a time to not be a light. In Haiti, Lawrenceburg, Knoxville, Nashville, Atlanta, and everywhere in between, it is ALWAYS the time for me to be a Light for Christ. I cannot wait to see the plan God has for using me to make His Son FAMOUS while I'm home. Pray with me for boldness and strength and obedience, because all are required to be a witness for the Savior of the World.

Here are a couple photos from my last days in Haiti:
KenKen's 1st Birthday!!! [never thought he'd live to celebrate this!]
Christmas Party for the Children's Home!
See you in America :)


  1. love your comments about timing...really were "timely" for me today.:-) hope i get to see you in the next few weeks, but if not, see you on the flip side in PAP....can't wait to serve alongside you and talk nursing....see you your sweet spirit, sister!

  2. I live west of Nashville but I really wish I could meet you and talk about Haiti while you are home. I only got to spend 16 days there on 2 trips, but I miss it so much! Please keep writing on here. I love hearing about the work going on. Thanks so much for sharing.
