Friday, November 4, 2011

i've been thinking

Well hello there friends!

I hope it is a bright, sunshiney day wherever you are. And if it isn't.. then there's always tomorrow :) Here in Port au Prince it is a beautiful day, temperatures holding in the 90s during the days and 70s at night. Its hot, really. I miss the season of Fall! [it's my favorite].

As you know, I like lists. So, I've been thinking about things I'm really tired of:
1. Sweating.
2. Rice and beans.
3. Mosquitoes.
[but not necessarily in that order. Mosquitoes are definitely at the TOP of the list!]

And I've been thinking about things that I can't wait to eat when I get home:
1. Ice cream.
2. McDonalds chicken nuggets.
3. Ice cream.
4. cereal.
5. Frappucinos [preferably from Starbucks or Einsteins]

And I've been thinking about things I will desperately miss about Haiti:
1. The physical affection that Haitians show people that they love.
2. Cokes off the street that are perfectly frozen and have a salty taste around the rim.
3. Feeling so free and bold in sharing the Gospel.

And I've been thinking about things I've done in Haiti that I would probably never do in the States:
1. Use skype nearly every single night.
2. Lay a lady down and check to make sure her baby wasn't coming out in the back of our car.
3. Sleep with different babies in my bed every other week.

Anyway... just some things I've been thinking about! I'm leaving tomorrow to go to the Dominican Republic. We are taking 6 Haitian kids across the boarder to have heart surgeries. [There is nowhere to have heart surgery in Haiti]. A few of the kids are already at our house and I've been loving on them and their legal guardians that are with them.
I'll be sleeping in a "Jesus House" with the moms and their kids, and I am so excited about getting to know them [with the little Creole I have acquired] and about showing them the love of Jesus. I'm not sure I'll have internet over there, and I may be there for up to 2 weeks. So, don't freak out or get nervous if you don't hear from me for a while.

But know I'll be thinking of you all and praying for you! And I will be so excited to share the beautiful stories of these precious kids. And p.s., just for your personal information, Only 5 weeks and 6 days until I'll be home :)

See you later!


  1. What awesome experiences you are having! Some you may never have again. You have to be here for our Cool Springs Christmas shopping trip. Thanks for telling about the next two weeks so we won't worry as much. Love you, Debi

  2. Hello! I'm here from Denise's blog, "Together We Save." I just wanted to wish you good luck and let you know that I've said a prayer for you. I hope all goes well for you and the children you are helping.

  3. I am here from Denise's blog and I will be praying for you. What a gift you are giving them. sandie

  4. I'm a list person too -- pick up laundry, cut the grass, turn off irrigation system, blah, blah, blah. Somehow your list is much more meaningful and exciting. Be safe on your travels and adventures.
