Monday, July 18, 2011

ou se pam.

I have written some about the children at the newest orphanage that I will get to meet and love while I'm in Haiti. Today I am going to give you the full story! It is both heartwrenching and beautiful. First of all, if you haven't read about Chadasha and heart surgeries, go read this and then come back here.

Some of you may have read before the story of Jean-Michel. He was a 16 year old Haitian boy who desperately needed heart surgery. Word gets around pretty quickly in Haiti, despite the lack of technology, and it didn't take his orphanage mom long to hear of Chadasha and the heart surgeries. So, Dr. Clint Dorion out of Knoxville who is a founder of Chadasha was soon notified of Jean-Michel's situation and flew him emergency out of Haiti and to America, Knoxville more specifically, to have his heart surgery.
Jean Michel when he arrived in Knoxville
He was too weak to go into surgery when he got here, and it took about a week to build up his strength enough for him to have surgery. He gained almost 10 lbs in a week!
Jean Michel the day of surgery

It was a long hard fight for Jean Michel to get this surgery, and once he was on the operating table everyone breathed a bit easier. However, Jean Michel was not strong enough to make it through the surgery. His heart was not strong enough, and he passed away on Good Friday this past spring. He was a follower of Jesus Christ, and on the day he died our sweet Pastor Dan Riley tweeted: "Maybe Jesus said; "I know, Jean Michel, I died on a Friday afternoon too. But, now, look! We're Alive! Come see what I've prepared for you!" It was a hard day for many people, especially Jean Michel's orphanage mother, Guereline. It was too expensive to take his body back to Haiti, so he had to be buried in America. Can you imagine all of his "brothers and sisters" at the orphanage? Their best friend/brother leaves to get better, and never comes back. It seemed like God had forgotten Jean Michel and his family and friends.

But, as I have learned over and over again, He makes beautiful things out of dust! Ecclesiastes 3:11 says "He has made everything beautiful in its time." Boy, have I seen this to be true! While Guereline was here, relationships were built between her and members of the Chadasha board and staff. In talking, they learned that Guereline and her husband ran the orphanage that housed about 75 kids. It used to be in a building in Port au Prince, but was destroyed in the earthquake. She did her best and took the kids to Cite Soleil which is one of the poorest, most dangerous slums in the Northern Hemisphere. They were living there in tents.

When Chadasha members went to check it out once they were back in Haiti, they were absolutely heartbroken for these children. They had run out of food days before, and were living in unbearable conditions. As if that wasn't bad enough, a few days later a storm came [because its rainy season there] and washed most of the tents away. They loaded up the children in the bus and brought them to the guest house [where we stayed over spring break]. Only by the power of Christ, they found a house that will hold them all with a big yard and lots of room for them to play and grow. They moved them in and are in the process of getting things running. It has been a battle with ups and downs, and will continue to be a long road before things are running smoothly. But God has provided, and will continue to provide for these children! Below is a beautiful video of the story of these children. I promise it's worth your 5 minutes!
So, while I'm in Haiti, I will get to know all of the children at this orphanage. These are the ones who will be receiving most of the donations that people have made.. school supplies, toiletries, etc.  Right now they are sleeping on the floor... teams have come and built 6 sets of bunk beds, they just need about 30 more and they will all have beds to sleep on! I can't wait to meet them and hug them and let them all steal my heart. I learned a new Creole phrase... it is "Ou se pam" and it means "you are my favorite." I'm definitely telling every single child this! How faithful our Jesus is to turn something that seemed so broken and ugly into something where His light shines so brightly! You can read an account of the most recent way God moved in that orphanage here.

A quick update for my personal life.... the countdown continues! 13 days left in Knoxville, 18 days left until my Sis's wedding, and 22 days left until I land in Port au Prince!! I am continually amazed at God's provision.. and at your obedience to give financially and in other ways to help me get there. Next weekend my sweet nursing professors are having a yardsale to raise money for me [yes, my teachers! this is why nursing is the best major :)] If you are in Knoxville, feel free to stop by! It will be at 635 Spring Branch Lane from 8-1 on Friday and Saturday July 22 and 23rd. 

Until next time... Mwen renmen ou!

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