Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Please tell me someone remembers that song by Julie Roberts... "Break Down Here". If not, you should youtube it like now. Go on, and then come back here. :)  Anyway... it's been in my head for a few days, so I thought I'd use it to my advantage.

We made it back from PCB this weekend, and I'm back in Knoxville doing my thing, counting down the days until I leave! [28 days from today!]. This week so far has been full of ups and downs.... to be cliche.. "an emotional roller coaster." Two of my sweetest friends that I share my love for Haiti with are currently there. When I'm in the States and I feel like I'm going to have a "Haiti meltdown" [as I so accurately call it], I call either Sara or Cheyenne. We meet and talk for however long we need to, until I am composed and able to function again being here and wanting to be there so bad. Since they are both there right now, it has made me want to be there so much worse PLUS now I don't really have anyone who can help me carry the load... no one else who really understands how heavy it is anyway. But, God is good, and his timing is perfect, and I know that He is working even when I feel like I'm standing still.

So, lets do highs and lows. We'll start sad, and end on a happy note, because thats the way I like to do things!

Lows this week:
 --missing Haiti like crazy
 --4 Haiti breakdowns that brought me to tears in the last 5 days
 --Having to drive 15 hours in 2 days
 --A friend getting some sad news [prayers would be lovely.. God will know who you mean.]

Highs this week:
 --getting back to Knoxville safely
 --getting to Skype with Cheyenne, Sara, and my friend Kessy in Haiti!!!
 --my friend Katie posted this blog on my wall that has 30 hairstyles in 30 days.. mostly braids which I LOVE!
 --anticipating babysitting the sweetest little girl every on Friday
 --being overwhelmingly blessed by donations from people
 --knowing that my Jesus is Sovereign over all!
 --I bought my plane ticket!!!! [1 way..yikes!]
 --my sis's wedding is getting closer!!

And now, prayer requests:
 --for Sara in Haiti
 --for the newest orphanage which I haven't told you details about yet
 --for my sweet friend that I mentioned earlier
 --for me, that I can be content and usable where I am, instead of wishing I was somewhere else

Another thing... I have been given an unofficial list of supplies that are in high demand for the orphanage in Haiti. Things that I will be able to take with me are:
--art supplies [crayons/markers/paint/glue/scissors/paper/etc.]
--pillow cases and twin size sheets
--bubbles/small toys
--towels/wash cloths
Any donations can be brought to my house in Knoxville or Lawrenceburg!

Perhaps the thing I look most forward to in Haiti is meeting the children at this orphanage. They came from a really bad part of town, and all of them know heartache much to well for their ages. From what I understand, they have all but forgotten that they are children. They don't play and laugh and run around and act silly... they barely even smile. They are grown up kids. And I cannot wait to get there and help them rediscover their inner child. I cannot wait to play with them, love them, and tell them that this world sucks, but Praise Jesus, we have a Savior who has conquered this world!! I can't wait to read to them Romans 8:35-37 which reads: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? ....No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." How precious are those words for these hurting children, and hurting people everywhere. Share them today :)

My fam [minus my brother] on the beach... me, my 3 sisters, parents, my mom's mom [nanny], and my sister's fiance [hunter]. and this pic is a little awkward, but what can you do? haha

1 comment:

  1. Chelsey, I'm following you closely and am proud I'm your uncle. You are destined for great things in this life and you will soon have a profound affect on the children in Haiti. I wish I had your faith to drop some of my busyness and just go with you. Someday I may have you helping me pull teeth in some distant country but until that time I will pray for you and look forward to your posts. God is blessing you in this adventure!
