Monday, April 11, 2011

comfort: granted

This week as I have been trying to discern what God's will for me is in Haiti and here in America, I have been overwhelmingly attacked with a feeling of hopelessness. I should have been ready, because it is when we are most faithful that Satan chooses to attack us. Consider the story of Job... When Satan comes to God with the request to attack Job, God states in 1:8 "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." The more faithful we are, the more attention we attract from Satan. We must be prepared for this.

Anyway... I was overwhelmingly attacked with heavy feelings of hopelessness that I really struggled to shake. All week I have felt like a 20 lb weight has been tied to my waist, and I had trouble even getting out of bed for the heaviness that I felt. When I think of the people of Haiti, the various situations that I encountered there, it is heavy. I taught a "Life Lessons" class at a high school the day before Prom, and some of the students were just so lost and confused. Despite meaningful conversations and multiple blessings of good friends that God has given me this week, I still had a sense of weight that felt unbearable at times. It wasn't until last night and this morning that God has been so sweet to lighten my heart.

Last night I was able to go to the Calvary Student Ministry Night of Worship. It was an hour of songs and talk about serving others put together completely by high school students. I was refreshed to be reminded that there are still young people living and breathing for the glory of God. This morning, God woke me up early and I was able to have a quiet time with Christ before my busy day of classes began. I read Malachi, and found immense comfort in 4:2 that reads, "But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings." How exciting! That when the Son of Man comes to judge this world and destory all that is not of Him, the sun of righteousness will rise for me! And with rays of healing for me... to make me complete and take all of my heavy heart to Heaven. And not only for me, but for my brothers and sisters for whom my heart breaks daily, who I know are struggling and hurting. Healing will come for them too.

As if this verse and the time that I was able to spend with my Lord this morning were not enough, I went back in my room to get ready and turned on the radio to 88.3 KLOVE. The first song that played was "Reach" by Peter Furler, which I had never heard before. This song was such a blessing to me.. it brought tears to my eyes as God spoke to my heart through it and comforted me in such a tangible way. It is posted below, so take the time to listen please! My favorite part is the line that says "You hold the weight of the world, still I don't slip through Your hands." So many times I find myself despairing over the thought that God may have forgotten the people of Haiti, or the people in America who are hurting, or me. It is so comforting to be reminded that He ALWAYS has me and every single person in His hands.

[p.s. if you are readying this and have never visited my Haiti website, you can learn all about my trip at]

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