We were both born in 1988, and we have both turned 25 this year. We were both born and we have lived the same number of years, and our pasts have been so full of so many different things.
Different family structures and family drama and family dynamics.
Different private school and public school and summer school.
Different pets and different childhood friends.
Different churches and denominations and belief systems and faiths.
Different romantic relationships in which we both have given different parts of ourselves away.
Different sleeping habits and waking habits and breathing patterns and heartbeats.
Different subjects studied and degrees earned.
Different countries lived in and languages spoken.
Different hopes and dreams and wishes and different ways in which we view the world.
I stand amazed at how a quarter of a century of differences is being woven daily into a seamless mess of unity, of oneness. Two separate pasts that are being formed into one present and one future. It is a God thing, to take old things and make them new.
And He is doing just that.
And I am amazed, and I am so thankful.
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