Wednesday, March 27, 2013

i didn't have a heart attack

Alright beautiful people! Good news!

I've completed #79 on my "101 in 1001" List, which I didn't think I would ever actually do:
Run a 5K.
I think it was in December that my sweet friend and co-worker, Leigh, talked me into signing up for the Rutherford County Special Kids 5K to be held March 23rd. We had high hopes, as people usually do I would imagine, of building our stamina and training for the race so we would be prepared. But of course, life happens and we ran about 2 good times and next thing we knew it was the night before the race! I got 1 hr of sleep the night before [a product of sleeping all day because I worked the night before that], and we were at the starting line with 3000 other people at 6:45am in 40 degree weather with a multitude of clouds overhead threatening rain. It ended up being a whopping success if you ask me, mostly because neither of us had a heart attack [although I thought I might a few times] and I got to lift my hands in praise as I ran listening to an awesome play list of worship jams.
Leigh and I after the race [after we sat in the road and drank water and caught our breath haha]
these are my results, which I felt like were pretty fabulous for someone who never runs!

Anyway.. in other news, I've also completed #83: Go on a date [a few times]. Details to follow, maybe?
And last but not least, I did another of the 101 things that I've already done once, but I am too excited about it not to tell you again! I got to visit another baby in the hospital this weekend!
Welcome to the world, baby Emily Elizabeth Moore! She is the beautiful daughter of two of my close friends, Elizabeth and Russ. I think I met Elizabeth when we were in 8th grade or so, and we've been best friends since! We've been through so much together... high school drama and losing relationships and funerals of friends, but this is a first for us! I'm so excited to watch little miss Emily grow up, and I know Elizabeth and Russ are going to be great parents! [and for now they live about 5 minutes from me which makes everything that much more exciting!]
Well, thats all folks. Do something intentional with your time today, and then tell me about it. :)

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