I'm sort of a dreamer, in case you haven't noticed. I dream in my sleep every single night, without fail. And I dream during the day when I have moments of idleness... I dream and plan and think about my life and what I hope it holds. And nearly every day the dreams are different... I'm a fickle dreamer, thats for sure. I know life happens in seasons, and there is a season for everything. But there are a few things on my dream list that are pretty permanent, and that I hope come and stay a while. Wanna hear what they are? Well then, stay a minute longer, won't you?
1. A big bathtub, preferably with feet.
The bathtub is seriously like my sanctuary, especially in the winter in Tennessee when the outdoors just won't do. When I'm sick, bored, cold, tired, stressed, or just wanna leave the real world for a while, there is no better way to fix it than with a glass of wine or coffee or hot chocolate, a good book or a laptop, candles, a hair tie to get this mop off my neck, and a hot bubble bath. Miracle worker, no joke. The world is always right-side-up again after a bath.
2. A boxer. [a brindle, to be exact]
This has been on my wishlist since high school at least. I know, they're rambunctious and energetic and they destroy things and they are social so you can't leave them alone much or they get aggressive, and sometimes they hate cats. But, they are too cute and I want one! [and a schedule that permits one, and living quarters with a yard to let it out in].
3. A visit to the Grand Canyon.
Anyone up for a road trip? I'll drive.
4. That I would be like Peter and John in Acts 4:13:
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."
That when people meet me or leave me or have any contact with me or thought of me, they would not say "she is so smart" or "she is so cool" or "she is so creative" or "artsy" or "kind" or "such a good nurse" or "a good writer" or anything else in the world other than "she has encountered Jesus."
5. A season of living within walking distance of the beach.
I have found nothing more serene or powerful or soothing or revitalizing than the beach. So, I'd like to try living on it for a time. East coast, Gulf coast, West coast, or the coast of another country, I don't really care.. just as long as it's warm year round.
Whats on your dream list?
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