Thursday, August 2, 2012

blondies on horsies

This week I completed #26 on my "101 in 1001" List: Ride a horse. For those of you who don't know, me and these gigantically powerful creatures we call horses go way back and have a pretty substantial history. When I was in kindergarten a dandy pony named Cookie threw me off and I broke my arm. I think it was like 10th grade or so before I got back on one, and that sweet thing took off running like a streak of lightening with me holding on for dear life and screaming my guts out while bouncing so violently that I nearly came completely out of my brassiere! In case you wondered, I haven't been back on one since. I like my life and really never saw it fit to lose at the mercy of a horsey. Until this week.

I'm in Knoxville this week chaperoning Extreme Kids Camp at Calvary for the second year in a row. Its for 3rd-5th graders and is a week full of daring activities and Jesus... what more could kids ask for?! Anyway... throughout the week in helping these little rascals face some of their fears, I get to the opportunity to face some of my own [even though I don't let the kids know I'm actually scared until it's over]. On Monday we visited Camp Ba Yo Ka where we got about 20 minutes to ride in a single file line in groups of 4 on very well-trained horses that walked slowly up a hill in the woods and then a little quicker back down. We wore helmets, held on tight, and were perfectly fine. Still, some of the kids  us were a bit nervous throughout the adventure.

In the picture, you can see the head of my horse [Anna] and in front of me one of my favorite little blondies, Cailyn on her horse [Miss Kitty]. As we ventured up the hill, we quickly noticed that the horses chose to walk on the very edge of the trail which dropped off about 10 feet into a dry creekbed. I asked the camp worker why and she said it's easier on their feet because it's muddier. Fair enough, horseys. Anyway, as we traveled on, Cailyn got more and more nervous about how close her horse was to the edge. I looked up at one point and she was leaning all her weight and subsequently the whole saddle to the opposite side of the horse, and soon after she managed in an I'm-trying-to-stay-calm-but-I'm-freaking-out voice "Miss Chelsey... are these horse's trained not to fall off the edge? Because I think mine is going to."

I explained that of course they weren't going to fall off, although Anna was feeling uncomfortably close to the edge as well, and talked Cailyn into the idea that they are very aware of exactly where all 4 feet are landing each time they step. I convinced myself this was true as well, and since the camp worker didn't correct me I chose to believe I was correct. We went on and eventually made it back safely to our starting point and dismounted the horses, surviving this day only to go scuba diving, tubing, ziplining, and flipping on trampolines the rest of the week. [Pray for us! It's not over yet!]

After I got home and had time to reflect on the day and what I'd learned, I realized that I'm feeling a lot like Cailyn on Miss Kitty about right now. I feel like God is walking my life as close to the edge of what appears to be disaster as He can get it, and like I might fall to my destruction at any second. And I, like Cailyn on Miss Kitty, have found myself leaning as far away from the edge as I can lately, trying to stay safe and secure where I think I'm better off. But I know my God isn't going to let me fall. He isn't going to drive me off into a dry creek bed where I'll be fed to snakes and rocks. He's got me right where He wants me. So, God used the 9 year old blondie on a pony this week to teach me to LISTEN to those around me with wise counsel telling me Truth. And then BELIEVE them, and the Word. And then to straighten up and hang on, and trust that living on the edge with God is far better than clinging to what I know and what I'm comfortable with. I just have to hang on and enjoy the ride! Come on... you do it too!

Oh, and p.s. just for those who have been wondering and praying... I got a job :) At MTMC in Murfreesboro on a Medsurg floor. My tentative start date is August 13th. More details to come. Oh, and I got a car too :) A Nissan Pathfinder, brown, beautiful. Feeling more and more like my life is coming together... although I know it's only to fall apart again if God sees fit. Praise Him!

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