Wednesday, March 7, 2012

my sweet Jesus.

I know my blogging has been all but nonexistent as of late, but hey, better late than never, right? Lots of stuff going on over here and things have been super busy, mostly due to the fact that we now have 2 interns living here, English class 3 times a week, back to back teams coming from now to at least May, I'm currently partnering with one of our Haitian staff to look after the Children's Home of 17 kids, the love of my life is 1000 miles away and I spend every second that I have to spare talking with him, and there are presently 11 other people living in this house besides me. All of that makes for a busy life, and when I'm not getting medicine to sick kids or planning English lessons or covering mattresses or taking kids to the dentist or talking through drama that comes from living too close together or fighting the internet to skype with John, my mind and body like to take a vacation to a faraway world called dreamland, and I sleep. :)

I'm thoroughly enjoying the way that the Lord is using me and this ministry, don't get me wrong. But it's enough to wear a girl out. I'm beyond excited that my church in Knoxville, Calvary Baptist, is coming with a big team in just a week and 2 days!! I can't wait to see my friends and church family. I should also let you know that I'll be flying back to the States on March 29th, which is about 3 1/2 weeks earlier than I had originally planned. It wasn't an easy decision but when God changes your plans, it's always best just to go with what He says... He always knows better! So, thats my plan. I don't know yet when I will return to Haiti. I know that the Lord has given me a love for this country and these people that won't just fade away, and they will forever be on my heart and I will find a way to support this ministry from the States, but I don't know exactly when I will physically return. We'll see what God's plan is!

For tonight, I have a few small blessings that are what makes my day and what reminds me how sweet my God is. These are just a few praise moments when I stand in awe of how amazing my Father is.

-->  After English class this week 2 ladies stayed behind to tell me about a ministry they started in the tent camp where they meet and work with women who are victims of rape and abuse. They identified 2 rapists last week and were asking for prayers of protection as people retaliate. I was beyond blessed by their boldness and willingness to sacrifice their own safety for the benefit of someone else. [Please pray with me for them... Madame Martineau and Madame Jacqueline]

--> A Sunday afternoon at the Caribean Lodge eating nachos and salsa and swimming in a semi-clean pool with my family here.

--> Learning how to love other people through their shortcomings, and learning how to own up to mine and let other people love me through it as well.

--> This texting conversation that reminded me of how blessed I am to have the man of God that I have waiting on me at home:
Me: "I want you to do art with me when I come home. What do you think?" [knowing that John is the most anti-artistic person I have ever met, and he would rather stab himself in the eyeball with a needle than paint a picture on a canvas]
John: "I think I hate art but I'll do it with you when you get back." 
And this, ladies, is what you get when you wait on the Lord's timing and you don't try to force things and do things by yourself.

--> Watching a little girl eat chocolate ice cream for the first time after no tears at a doctors checkup! It was priceless.
--> Spending time with the kids and staff at the Children's Home the last couple days... watching the joy on the ladies' faces when I brought them a blender so they can get rid of the mortar and pestle they use on a daily basis, watching Solomon learn to walk like it's nobody's business, getting new shoes for one of the older boys who is relatively new and has been wearing girls tennis shoes since he can remember, and listening to Karis cackle while I tickled her stomach. Even on the worst of days, they remind me why I'm here.

God is good, all the time people. I encourage you to reflect on the last few days of your life. What are some of the little blessings God has given you?

oh and p.s. 15 minutes after I posted this, we had a tiny baby earthquake!! My bed shook for like 10 seconds.. everyone is okay, no damage. Just scared the heck out of the Haitians, with good reason! Praise the Lord it was just a baby one!


  1. Sounds like you are still busy doing the work the Lord has laid out for you. It is such a sacrifice you are making for this. I will be so glad when you are back home. The mountain weekend will be soon and it will be so good to hear more of your stories. I pray for no more earthquakes in Haiti. Love you lots, Debi

  2. Nanny and I just read your blog together. She's visiting GA for the week while Debi & Jimmy are in Florida. They'll pick her up on their way back and spend a few nights before heading on to C'ville. We always love to read your blogs. They are funny, informative, and always uplifting! You are Awesome and we love the way you share God's love through your stories. Can't wait to see you again.
    Love, Nan & Aunt Cathy
