Thursday, January 26, 2012

the first bite.

Oh, that first bite... you know which one I'm talking about. Many of you may be thinking "oh, that Haitian spaghetti" or "oh, that rice and beans." But you know what I'm talking about... that first bite of me that a Haitian mosquito took of me in this beautiful 2012. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it has happened. I'm back in Haiti and no less than 48 hours after being back, I've gotten my first bite. And once it began to itch and I started to scratch, I just shook my head and thought to myself "Oh yes, its true... I'm home in Haiti!" [similar to the way that when I get to my house in Lawrenceburg and am peeing with the bathroom door open and someone who is not family walks in, I just shake my head and think to myself "oh yes, it's true... I'm home in Lawrenceburg."]

Anyway.. so, I'm back! I spent 5 fabulous weeks in America, mostly having coffee dates, lunch dates, dinner dates, family game nights, church dinners, and on and on. I met some amazing people who have played such an integral part in allowing me to serve the Lord in Haiti, financially and in prayer. I spent so many nights sitting up with my siblings and my parents laughing and talking for hours and hours. I spent a ton of fabulous time with John, and we learned more about each other and more about our Savior together than at any other time I think. I served some different populations in Knoxville and shared the Gospel through love. And a funny thing happened while I was home... I fell back in love with America. And now, I'm in love with two places, and I feel called to two places, and I can see how to serve others and make Jesus famous in two countries. And it was an awesome discovery!

This new found love for America, however, made it much harder to leave home this time. It made it harder to leave John and my family and my church in Knoxville and my friends, and the people that I fell in love with there who I want to serve and love on. But, it didn't take but a couple of hours back in Haiti for God to reaffirm in my heart that this is what He has for me for this season. He is so faithful to provide exactly what I need, exactly when I need it. I was beyond excited to see Karis, who I missed terribly, along with the other kids at the Children's Home. I got to walk through a tent camp and sit down with a little girl who was immediately drawn to me, and I to her. Also, I was able to visit another orphanage here in Haiti that has over 100 kids in it. There was a little boy there that I fell instantly in love with, and it broke my heart to leave him after only knowing him 30 minutes.

Praising God tonight for His timing and His purpose and His plan, which are so incredibly greater and more perfect than anything I could come up with on my own. Goodnight from Port au Prince!


  1. Love your blogs...and the joy and radiance on your face is just irreplaceable. His hand is all over you, girl. Love u!

  2. Those babies are so lucky to have you in their lives even if only for a short time. Love you, Debi
