Tuesday, September 20, 2011

#80 and bits.

So, I have officially accomplished another of the tasks on my "101 in 1001" List. #80 reads: Cut someone's hair. When I made this goal, I thought it was a little far fetched, and I thought I might have to settle for taking the clippers to my Daddy's hair and buzzing it for him if it came down to crunch time. Little did I know, I would have the opportunity to cut hair for real in Haiti! And not only did I get to cut hair for real, I cut a hair stylists hair! Michelle [the lovely mother of the family I'm living with here in Haiti] was a hair dresser for about 8 years before she left the States. A couple days ago she came in my room and she said, "Hey, if I show you how to layer hair, you think you could layer mine?" I'm telling you... Haiti drives you to crazy things sometimes! So she gave me about a 5 minute tutorial on Ashton's hair [without cutting it, by the way], then handed over the scissors. Below is the proof:

I would like to also point out that I began this feat very uncoordinated, but by the end I was able to hold the comb, scissors, and hair at the same time. I felt proud.

Among other things happening in Port au Prince, we are attempting to redo our Children's Home because we now have 7 babies and 3 big kids [who are 3, 4 and 8yrs old]. So we are moving a couple baby boys into the big boy room and a couple babies girls into the big girl room. This will leave 4 boys, 3 girls, and 3 babies in their rooms. That way the responsibilities are more even for the ladies running the home. Change is always an obstacle, so prayers as we transition are appreciated!

Saturday we took a few hours to feel like we were living in the States by watching the UT v. Florida game. Unfortunately, as you probably know, this didn't end well for those who bleed orange [such as I]. I wore my orange, loud and proud, nonetheless.
Me & Isaac
It has definitely set in that I am now living in Haiti. I can't believe I've only been here a month and a half.. it feels like I've lived here my whole life. I also can't believe I won't be going home for about 3 months... it seems like I haven't been home in forever. I am still convinced that I am where I'm supposed to be, and I'm excited to see how God continues to use me and the Chadasha Ministry in Haiti. Oh, and I'm even more excited to tell you about it :)

Just for funzies, here is a brief list of things I miss the most that nobody can send to me:
-my fam [including everyone's significant others & John].
-my dogs & cats.
-McDonald's chicken nuggets.
-Menchie's frozen yogurt.
-my Calvary family.
-my nursing friends & faculty.
-fall [b/c it's still 90 here, and getting no cooler, while ya'll pull out your hoodies in TN]

One more thing... I have 3 projects to work on in the next few weeks, which I'm really excited about.
1. Make a community calendar for the guest house, so that we all know when teams come and go, etc.
2. Revamp the Chadasha website.
3. Start a blog for the Chadasha ministry to keep people informed.
In case you didn't know, these 3 things are my cup of tea for sure. I love organization and writing, and being able to see results, which will all happen once all this is done. I'll keep you posted!

Until next time..... love from Haiti!


  1. Ok you are totally cutting mom's hair next time.. instead of me lol :) Miss you.

  2. 1. Love you
    2. If I could dry ice some fro yo and mail it to you, I would.
    3. I'm so happy and inspired through your writing. I know you are overcoming obstacles left and right (uhm a mysterious spider bite?! yikes!) But you never let it show through your blog. I'll continue to pray for you darlin.
    P.S. Bought my Passion ticket this week. GET EXCITED!
    PPS Listen to Shelly Giglio's message on Passion City Church podcast from September 18. LOVE IT!
