Sunday, July 3, 2011


This is my first post that will tell the story of completing one of the things on my "101 List". Number 96 to be exact! #96 reads: Learn to Dive. To some of you, this may seem like a very silly thing to do as a 23 year old, because most people learn this when they are quite small. However, I hate to tell you that in the last 13 years, at least 15 people have attempted to teach me how to dive. My teachers ranged from 7 to 70 years old.... and none were successful. I have always been terrified of the diving board, and I really don't like jumping in the pool in any fashion very much at all. I learned an important lesson through facing this fear though. People have tried countless ways and approaches to teach me how to dive, but no one [no matter how hard they tried] can dive for me. I had to do it by myself. And it was scary, but I can safely say now that my lovely little sisters [Cheney and Sam], have turned me in to a real live diving machine!!! What was that? You don't believe me??? Well, lucky for you, I have evidence :) See below:

Have a good 4th of July holiday everyone! Celebrate our independence as a nation, but don't forget how dependent we are on our Heavenly Father. And as mama always says... be careful with the fireworks!!!

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