Thursday, June 2, 2011

driving forces

Isn't is amazing and so sweet of the Lord when you hear or read things in different places at different times that go together perfectly? Some would say its coincidence, but I know that it is God. Last night at Cafe, Pastor Dan talked about identifying "what drives you". He made the statement that a good way to find out what drives you in life is to think about what you think about when you are driving in the car alone, or showering, or mowing the yard, or laying in bed at night in the quiet. Whatever you let occupy your thoughts is most likely the driving force in your life. This might be scary for some people, including myself, when I think about what I let my mind think about when it's idle.

I began to think of things that I see driving people that I am in contact with daily. Money, success, sex, comfort, control, pleasing others, being likable, etc. The list is endless. Then I thought about what should be the driving force in my life? Being an imitator of Christ. This should be what consumer my every action and thought... making Jesus famous in this world. As Christians, we must let this drive us! There is nothing else that should even come near our desire to be like Christ and to share his love with those around us, wherever we are.

This morning as I read Luke 9. Verse 25 says "What profit is there for one to gain the whole world yet lose his soul?" How many times have we heard this phrase used? I have heard it many times before, but today it just stuck, like I just heard it for the first time. Ultimately, there is no profit in gaining anything in this world if we aren't living for Jesus. Haiti is on my heart, as always, and I began thinking... if I go there and put clothes on naked children and fill their empty bellies with food and hug their necks with love, but don't share Christ with them, it is pointless. There is no profit in having happy healthy children who will go to hell when they die. Physical needs are important for survival, but they in no way compare to the spiritual needs we as Christians should be meeting for the people around us.

So, the challenge for today is this: Identify what drives you. Pay attention to what you are thinking about. And decide if that is what you intended to be your driving force, or if you are off track from where you want to be. And then, make a change! Change the way you think and it will change the way you feel, change the way you feel and it will change the way you act. Its like a domino effect, but the trouble is pushing down that first domino. Don't let doubt creep in.. just ask yourself "Can I do this?" and then (in the wise words of Dan Riley), say out loud, "Of course I can!"

Today I am claiming Proverbs 18:10 for you:  "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."

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